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Romance anime with happy endings?

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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:29 am Reply with quote
ElementSun wrote:
Is it just me or do a large majority of Anime writers just love angst and tragedy?

For me, I scope the setting. If it's based in high school, I expect crash and burn endings. After all, kids are stupid. What do they know about love? Hell, half the time, most can't even discuss their true feelings with the ones they're supposed to care about.

Thus, it takes the remaining 12/25 episodes (or more!) to finally get the words out and by then, it's too late to resolve on a good note. Makes perfect sense.

For the few shows I've seen outside the high school setting, all I gotta say is Japan has the worst damn drivers on earth, given most seem to be killed/maimed by cars. Given this incredibly high statistic, expect tragedy.

Personally, I like the "what if" endings many seem to leave me with. My imagination is wicked to fill in the gaps.

People who feel an ending is good in anime often feel it's a cop out (re: Clannad: After Story) and state their impassioned rejections of it. That's good. Because we get enough crap endings on television shows.

Edited[/i] for grammer errors

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Joined: 12 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:11 am Reply with quote
Maison Ikkoku without a doubt. Although knowing that the ending will be a "happy" one going into a story can sometimes ruin it, I found that this piece of information didn't ruin Maison Ikkoku for me in the slightest. Pretty much everybody that I know who has actually made it through the entire series has nothing but praise for this masterpiece. It is one of those pieces of work where the dated art and animation style, music, and character designs do not detract in any way because the interactions between the characters and the overarching (is that a word?) story ties everything together so well that all those potentially negative details don't seem to matter.

If you really want a great romance story (albeit kind of long) then I highly sugget Maison Ikkoku. No crazy harem, no super powers or aliens - nothing but likeable characters and a story that keeps your attention right up to the very end. I first saw this series back in 1993 and I still watch it about once every year or so. It never gets old and invokes feelings of melancholy and nostalgia like nothing else.
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Joined: 27 May 2009
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 8:48 pm Reply with quote
I actually haven't seen much anime yet. Though, I can tell you that the ending of the first season in Fushgi Yuugi left me quite refreshed.

The first anime I ever saw was Sailor Moon. I finished the entire series and bawled at the end. It ended the right way, but I was sad and extremely depressed. Though at the same time I was happy.

DO NOT watch Vampire Knight if you like romance. spoiler[Seriously, you cannot just end it when the two lovers do not get together!] That was seriously messed up! Evil or Very Mad I yelled at my friend the day I finished the anime. Though I really love it. But, if they make a third season and my problem is resolved, then i take that paragraph back.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:41 am Reply with quote
Joysjuhhh wrote:
I second Toradora!, and also Lovely Complex, a fun romantic comedy. Those two really have nice endings.
My comment is probably gonna get deleted unfortunately but I'll take a shot. Any other romance anime like those two in particular? Or Kare Kano, Midori Days, or Karin?

Basically a story revolving around a guy and a girl who you just know will get together eventually but its more about the journey of how rather then the end pairing. Two characters who get together before the last episode basically.

In other words no messy and confusing harems.

Vampire Knight, Skip Beat, and Ouran all fall into that category btw no matter how obvious the end result is because they still try to trick you. I want none of that because I find it distracting and annoying and rather see the couple spend time together, grow, and go through problems then wait for the end result and then just have it up and end. Because I just know how its gonna go but the author doesnt want to just do it and wants to milk everyone. spoiler[Haruhi is getting with Tamaki. Yuki is getting with Zero. Kyoko is getting with Ren.] Get on with it please so I can watch them blush and snog while I sit here eating chocolate squealing like a idiotic drooling fangirl.

note: this is an assumption but I bet my gaming hand that I'm right. In fact I know I am even if the last volume isnt out yet and if I'm wrong I'll stop posting here forever.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:47 am Reply with quote
Pinkwings wrote:

Basically a story revolving around a guy and a girl who you just know will get together eventually but its more about the journey of how rather then the end pairing. Two characters who get together before the last episode basically.

In other words no messy and confusing harems.

There are quite a few series that would meet your specifications. Two that come to mind immediately are Itazura na Kiss and Aishiteruze Baby.
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Joined: 02 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:59 pm Reply with quote
I love Romance animes that has either Fantasy, Comedy and/or Action in it.
I got tons of favorite animes, but one of the animes that i LOVED was Ai Yori Aoshi.

Is there any other Anime that is equal to this?
In Ai Yori Aoshi spoiler[the two main characters love eachother from the day they met, like, in a shy way, but still they get contact and promised to marry. Even though there are other girls that starts to live with them, i still love the way that the main characters are a couple, even though its a secret. That way there will not be a major love triangle, even though the other girls might like him or even love him.]

Is there any animes like this?

Happy ending, two people that loves eachother from the start of the anime, and they stay together till the end with no problems between the other girls. at least not major problems. Some are ok.
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Joined: 03 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:29 pm Reply with quote
I can think of a few with romance elements that end on a happy note.

Clannad After Story: spoiler[ Tomoyo/Nagia/Ushio living happily ever after as a family, can't find a more heart warming ending than that]

Eureka Seven
Elemental Gelade
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Place Promised In Our Early Days

all 10/10 series/films imo.

also to the original poster and to anyone else i think that having depressing/tragic elements within these stories is necessary and works well and makes the endings that much greater. spoiler[Clannad: After Story is a perfect example; Tomoya has been through hell for 5 years and has lost his wife and daughter so it makes the ending all the better for it]

You can't have romance without the drama.
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Joined: 03 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:53 am Reply with quote
I would whole heartedly recommend ef- a tale of memories. although there is not total and complete happiness in the end for ever character, at the same time i think it's one of the happiest endings i ever seen. you will cry because of joy not sadness.

some other great happy ending animes are lamune, nodame cantabile, honey and clover, ai yori aoshi, and myself; yourself
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Joined: 08 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:37 pm Reply with quote
Personally, I think that ITAZURA NA KISS is the best!! It has a very conclusive ending and it's the most romantic anime I've ever seen (since the Japanese are not so fond of lovely endings, I guess this is an exception ) Smile
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Joined: 02 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:52 am Reply with quote
What would you guys say about:

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

What kind of ending is it? and what kind of relationships are there with the main character.
I've heard that its a really good anime, but does it have romance in it?
If it does, what kind of romance?
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Joined: 24 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:54 am Reply with quote
bullseye123 wrote:
What would you guys say about:

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

What kind of ending is it? and what kind of relationships are there with the main character.
I've heard that its a really good anime, but does it have romance in it?
If it does, what kind of romance?

There's next to nothing romance in that anime. The only slight little bit of romance in it is when spoiler[Kyon and Haruhi kiss]

As for anime with happy endings, i would suggest Clannad/Clannad After Story, Chobits and maybe Kanon.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:09 am Reply with quote
Rathchet wrote:
bullseye123 wrote:
What would you guys say about:

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

What kind of ending is it? and what kind of relationships are there with the main character.
I've heard that its a really good anime, but does it have romance in it?
If it does, what kind of romance?

There's next to nothing romance in that anime. The only slight little bit of romance in it is when spoiler[Kyon and Haruhi kiss]

I would describe The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya as a love story without a love story in it but yes, Melancholy is more like a "like" story.


some other great happy ending animes are .... honey and clover ...

Maybe I saw a different Honey and Clover. The ending I remember is that spoiler[Hagu rejects both males her age in favor of her forty plus uncle, right? And that was just to live with him, the disgusting part was his half of their relationship where he declares to one of the losers that he really is in love with Hagu. And then the woman that the teacher should have romanced picked the college age guy. There was something seriously wrong with this series, especially with the way the former college students ended up with college students like they were eternally stuck at that age {I know it's the point but that doesn't mean I have to like it}. The most romantic scene in the series for me? The nonsexual night Ayumi spent with Shinobu and it meant nothing because Ayumi ended up with the guy who was about ten years older than her and Shinobu apparently was in love with Hagu after all, even if he treated her like a distant object of his ridiculous art.]

I really hated that series.

As for the topic, I'll list one. Disregarding series that have multiple girls with one finally being selected seemingly at random {Hello, Mashiro Symphony! True Tears, the Bridge of the Starry Skys as wel} or series that are more perverted comedies than dramatic romances {like Yamada's First Time and Mayo Chiki} or series that have multiple happy endings inside the series {Clannad TV had to cheat at what Kanon 06 did naturally; Shuffle belongs here as well}...

ToraDora. Wait, too obvious. Ano Hana has less romantic drama and internal conflict and so has less of the "happy ending" feel to it as it's more of "how else would it end?" ending. I guess I'll have to go with Kimikiss: Pure Rouge; It's simple, probably too simple but it does give you two male leads and two happy endings. And there's one scene that can only be described as "giddy", an emotion which doesn't appear in either ToraDora where love is pain or AnoHana where love is secondary to loss.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:18 pm Reply with quote
Furudanuki wrote:
Pinkwings wrote:

Basically a story revolving around a guy and a girl who you just know will get together eventually but its more about the journey of how rather then the end pairing. Two characters who get together before the last episode basically.

In other words no messy and confusing harems.

There are quite a few series that would meet your specifications. Two that come to mind immediately are Itazura na Kiss and Aishiteruze Baby.

I have to second Itazura na Kiss, which is the only romance anime I've ever seen that follows a high school couple spoiler[until they get married and beyond ... actually showing married life, what a novel concept!]

Another one that comes to mind is Love*Com, which has the getting together hijinks as well but then also does show the two leads as a couple later.
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Joined: 02 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:28 pm Reply with quote
naruto02 wrote:
yea, ALOT of animes are left with open endings... it really annoys me how they keep ending it like that if they're not gonna make any continuations. what's the point of open endings if they're not making any more of it? leave it to the viewers' imagination?? i tend to like animes with strong conclusive endings...

I find the inconclusive endings in what is mainly a romantic story to feel like I wasted all my time watching the show. It sure does leave a funny impression on me that people are fearful of being in commtted relationships in Japan. Or maybe someone is not approving of suggesting young people actually "hook up".

When first saw Bakemonogatari, I was completely shocked. Not at the crazy story, or spooky stuff. Not at the wild visual style. But because main characters actually became boyfriend & girlfriend, and it was still in the middle of the show, not the final episode. Whoa, what a wild unusual twist! Laughing
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:10 pm Reply with quote
You last few realize this is a bit of a necro-post?

If you want a thread that covers many years, may I suggest the Romance Anime Recommendations thread? The write-ups will usually mention if it stops at an open-ended spot or if it has a more melancholy tone.
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