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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:19 pm Reply with quote

Second half of the adaptation, so new OP and ED animations and songs all round. I prefer the new songs this quarter compared to the previous quarter, while the ED animation confirms what was an obvious spoiler about how far this quarter is going to go. Unfortunately, if my guess is correct a lot of viewers are going to be annoyed as the big story arc the spoiler character starts probably won't get going for a while, so a lot of the side stories which were covered early on in the original adaptation will now get their due. I do not expect all of the side stories to be animated though, but some of the one offs will likely surprise me.

This week's one-off couldn't be skipped because Sanjou Tsubame has a bigger role than she appears to have in this episode much later on. There's one other easter egg in this story arc, but its significance is literally not revealed until so much later in the source material. Otherwise, I'm glad the animators picked this for adaptation as it's quite fun to rewatch it again. Much better adaptation, both for the fights and the general flow of the episode. After all these years, the significance of Nagaoka actually registers now. That clan was one of the Bakufu's biggest supporters during the civil war, so they were one of the biggest losers when Meiji equality abolished the old feudal relationships.

Next week's episode is a surprise; if I'm not wrong spoiler[it's the sumo wrestler one-off. I don't remember that arc having any significance to the main cast later on, but it's also the rare example of an action set-piece that isn't based on swordplay. I'll be watching it regardless to jog my memory.]
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:52 am Reply with quote
I don't know who's picking the OP/ED songs for this reboot, but they're wildly incongruent with the material. The first OP was better suited to something like Hypnosis Mic, and the new one could front a hard-boiled detective series. The EDs aren't as bad, though the first one still sounds like it belongs with Conan, but none of themes are bangers like say the ones Gintama always got, which, while rocking out, still managed to fit the samurai genre.

Overall, I liked this version of the story better, but I did miss the funny image of Yahiko's leap down from the wall and the resulting nerve-zing traveling up his body. And lord those "cicadas" were so bad the joke didn't even make sense. Not even close to how great the Bang Zoom! actors nailed it. Smile

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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Original discussion started here.

Episode 14: Yahiko's Battle


Yahiko has been spending time away from the dojo lately, leaving Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Kenshin to wonder what he's been doing during his absence. Kaoru thinks he's eating food, Sanosuke feels he might be with a girl, while Kenshin believes he's undergoing extra swordsmanship training. They follow Yahiko, one day, and discover that he's been working part-time at Akabeko, where he eventually ends up befriending and defending a young girl named Tsubame.


A solid character-building episode for Yahiko. Like I mentioned when he was first introduced, out of the the group, he probably has the biggest chip on his shoulder throughout the series, as he could be considered the weakest link because of his young age and inexperience. He's stubborn and proud, but also lacks skill and strength, which usually ends up in him having to depend on the others for help. Here, he sets out to hone those skills and gain a little strength, but in the process manages to gain much more: independence.

He's obviously been working on his swordsmanship at the dojo. And working part-time at Akabeko probably gained him some muscle with all the heavy lifting. However, being able to operate on his own, after seeing the duress Tsubame was under, then deciding to take matters into his own hands, was a huge leap in his growth. Granted, the villains were trash-level compared to the likes of Jin-e and the Oniwabashuu, but a kid's gotta' start somewhere!

Kaoru and Kenshin's (and eventually Sano's) whole mentality is about defending the weak. But just being around those three, Yahiko already has a ton of experience from witnessing, first-hand, what it means to put your all into a battle. If you combine that with his naturally high level of tenacity, it's a good bet he'll make some advancements in his own personal growth, which we saw in this episode.

He'll actually have a little more growth in this next arc, then a moderately cool showcase in Kyoto. But I can't get over how Naruto-esque he sounds. The lady that plays him is really good, and I hope she gets to play a bigger character (male or female) down the line.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:00 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 12:03 am Reply with quote

Boy did I get it wrong. This arc introduces another important character in the ensemble cast, one I had completely forgotten about because of his brief role. Seeing him made me remember what this one is about, as well as what this week's opponent is capable of and how Kenshin has to deal with him.

One of the arcs which doubles as a period piece of social commentary. With modernization, a lot of the traditional practices started to lose favour. Viewers already know Kaoru's dojo was badly hit by the earlier Hitokiri scandal, but the numbers weren't great before then. Even a big dojo like the one she visits regularly is also dying out despite its reputation during the Civil War period. And now a challenger comes aiming to destroy the school using techniques similar to Kenshin's, the "Old School" founded on battlefield experience and steel swords.

Because I'd completely forgotten about the existence of the character in question, I don't remember much about the original airing beyond this week's techniques, the gimmick behind it and the eventual aftermath. From what I can tell of this episode, the action set pieces have been modernised for the 21st century compared to what it was back then. The rest I can't say too much about it; Yuutarou and Yahiko bickering with each other sounds very much like what it was back then.

If I recall, this arc should finish next week just as it was 2 episodes long in the original airing. The duel between Raijuta and Kenshin is one to watch, even if it isn't as significant to the overall plot the way Shinomori Aoshi's was.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:41 am Reply with quote
Crunchyroll has just started to stream the dub, if anyone was waiting for it here.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:27 pm Reply with quote
Original discussion started here.

Episode 15: That Man・Raijuuta


Kenshin accompanies Kaoru and Yahiko to the Maekawa dojo, when a man named Isurughi Raijuuta enters and issues a challenge to its master. During their duel, Raijuuta nearly kills Maekawa, with Kenshin intervening to take the injured master's place. The next day, Raijuuta sends an invitation to Kenshin. And upon meeting with him, reveals to Kenshin his goal to restore swordsmanship to the state in once was.


A little bit of culture clash between the old and new worlds. Gone are the days when a man could make a living by the sword. And in that aftermath, one pretty much needs money, knowledge, or political clout to be considered "powerful."

I never liked Raijuuta as a villain, which you'll see why in the next few episodes. But like Jin-e and the Oniwabanshuu before him, you've got another guy that didn't quite adapt to the changing of with the times. He still feels force is the way to do things, so when he sees people using wooden swords instead of metal ones, he marks them as weak, and tries to "pull the weeds" from his garden, so to speak.

I will say I do agree with his point about how the transition to the newer imperial government weakened some parts of society (namely the old warrior class), and there's probably still a good bit of unfairness and/or corruption here and there. But running around angrily waving your sword at people and their ideals isn't the answer.

There's also a good bit of philosophy that they'll also delve into, concerning the different sword styles, so it'll be interesting to see how they adapt it. I remember finding Yuutarou pretty insufferable in RK96, so we'll see if they also make him less so in this new rendition.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 12:18 am Reply with quote

I seem to have forgotten how long the arc was. I vaguely remember Yutarou took lessons from Kaoru and fought with Yahiko during the short period, but I must have mistaken how long that segment of the arc was relative to its total length. The action at the start might well be new as well, as all I can remember from the original airing was the final showdown and Kenshin's counter of Raijuta's moves.

Although it looks impressive, I'm almost certain no one can pull off Kenshin's stunt in real life with the edge reversed. It's a nice touch though, because I'm remembering something else when this scene is animated the way it is and am looking forward to seeing the difference when and if that is also adapted by the same studio as this adaptation.

That's the second person after Sanosuke who remained standing after taking Kenshin's signature move head-on. Must be the big frame and muscles being able to absorb the shock of the blunt blade. I've also forgotten how Kenshin actually finished him off next episode, so looking forward to that to jog the memory.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:35 pm Reply with quote
Original discussion started here.

Episode 16: The Ideal Man


After Raijuuta is defeated, his student, Yuutarou, challenges Yahiko to a duel. But his lack of skill is evident when everyone notices he can't even properly grip a shinai. Yuutarou reveals that Raijuuta never taught him swordsmanship and that the only reason he wants to study is out of of spite for his father who abandoned becoming a samurai to instead become a merchant after Bakumatsu. Raijuuta allows Yuutarou to study at Kamiya dojo, but tries to ambush Kenshin, later revealing that he saved Yuutarou and his father in a planned robbery to gain capital for his revolution.


Okay, so far, Yuutarou is way less annoying than I remember. And there's actually a pretty interesting parallel here between him and Yahiko. Both kids are sons of former samurai, and both are wanting to practice kenjutsu. But the main difference is in their individual motivations. Yahiko is training to have the strength so he won't have to depend on others, while Yuutarou is training simply to not be weak like he feels his father is.

They both wanna' be strong, but I feel one has a more genuine reason than the other. But an even more interesting parallel is that both kids are caught between styles. Yahiko sees the strength Kenshin possesses, though is learning from Kaoru. And Yuutarou sees the strength in Raijuuta, though ironically is also learning from Kaoru. You have two boys who are essentially idolizing some form of satsujin-ken (killing sword styles), but actually becoming stronger through katsujin-en (saving sword style).

Yahiko initially had the advantage because of the obvious gap in experience. Although, after getting some points and practice, Yuutaro was showing a lot of potential, maybe even more, since his will to not be weak seemed slightly strong than Yahiko's will to be strong enough to not depend on others. While Yahiko's seems more genuine, I feel Yuutarou's is more desperate. And when someone's desperate, that can be a pretty high driving force. Too bad for Yuuatarou and his hand, though. I hope Kenshin beats the crap out of Raijuuta in the finale of this arc.

Some differences between this and past iterations: in the manga and RK96, Raijuuta actually had four very generic-looking goons that tried getting a jump on Kenshin. They were about as trash as the sword police, and I'm glad they completely omitted them. They're as good as useless, anyway, and it just saves more budget for the bigger sequences to go from Episode 20 through the end of the season.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:24 am Reply with quote

No matter how strong the back and shoulder muscles are, no one can train the skull and face to the same degree. Not the only move in his arsenal that has range as I remember a different one in the original airing which had more exposure, but it certainly worked all the same. They toned down his ruthlessness in this one though; I recall he licked off the blood from the second wrist injury before putting the screws on.

The difference between those who have killed and those who can't do it regardless of the bravado and bluster shows in this episode. In a way Raijuta is very fortunate as meeting someone like Aoshi would have resulted in his death, no question.

As for Yuutarou, his father banks on the latest in surgery and rehabilitation from abroad to help his son. One thing I did remember about the whole arc was the circumstances Samurai had to make do with after the Meiji administration removed the old feudal ways and their attendant subsidies. Some samurai like Tsubame's old master couldn't adapt to the loss of income and resorted to banditry, while others who had no connections like Yuutarou's father exploited what skills they had and found a niche for themselves at the expense of their pride and respect from fellow citizens.

There should be one more minor story arc to cover before the main event for this second quarter begins in earnest. No way could they skip this since it's the most relevant to what is eventually going to air, so looking forward to what the animators have in store in contrast to the original airing.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:14 am Reply with quote
Original discussion started here.

Special note: there's a post-credits scene.

Episode 17: Settling the Score


Kenshin battles Raijuuta, sustaining several cuts, but managing to down him. Humiliated, Raijuta grabs Yahiko and threatens to kill him, but his threats are rebuffed and the group leaves with Yuutarou. Later, his father speaks with Kenshin, explaining his choice to move with his son to Germany, in hopes that Yuutarou will forget about swordsmanship. Yahiko encourages Yuutarou by attempting to strike him, but is blocked with his cane, making him realize his skills are not entirely lost.


So turns out Raijuuta is just a poser who likes to bully the weak. He talks big about satsujin-ken and this ideal of "revitalizing kenjutsu," but apparently, the guy has never been an actual warrior, let alone killed a person. After twenty years, I've finally figured out why I dislike him so much, because he's a big fat phony!

It's actually funny to think that even the Gohei brothers are better villains. At least they were serious enough to try and kill Kaoru and Kenshin out of greed and petty revenge. Heck, even that washed-up samurai that tried to threaten Tsubame was willing to kill Yahiko. And to top it all off, they added that brand new post-credits scene to highlight just how truly pathetic Raijuuta is.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm a very vindictive person and believe people who do bad things should eventually get what's coming to them, and even more so if they try do it to me. The fact that Yuutarou was practically disabled in one arm, and probably by accident, is akin to Raijuuta being a drunk driver and hitting someone, but disabling a part of them for life. Now, he gets to wallow in patheticness for the rest of his life.

It was a bittersweet departure for Yuutarou, until Yahiko decided to re-light his fire. As bratty as Yuutaro initially came off, I like the prospect of him becoming a kind of one-armed swordsman. And it's ironic that's he's going off to Europe, where fencing is big. Watsuki mentioned after he wrote the arc he eventually wanted to re-visit, both, Yuutarou and Raijuuta, but I think only Yuutarou ever showed back up, and that was in the filler season of RK96.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:08 pm Reply with quote

From what I can tell, if they are going to do the next major arc in this quarter then this will be the last of the minor arcs the animators have room to spare for. There are a few changes (if I remember correctly) compared to the original airing, but it's all good and the setup episode this week is for next week's conclusion (if my read is accurate).

I seem to remember Sanosuke with the fish bone sticking from his mouth as more of a feature in the original airing over multiple episodes, so this is the first time he's actually depicted this way in the remake. The initial errand run didn't change, nor did the explanation on how Sanosuke recognised his old friend. The narrator stepping in for Nishiki-e is useful for both Japanese and non-Japanese viewers, since it isn't common knowledge even for the home market if they weren't paying attention in class. Not talking about the Seinan War (aka Saigo Takamori's last stand) was expected, unless they plan to elaborate on that in future episodes as just about every Japanese viewer knows full well what that was about.

I don't remember Megumi apologising to Sanosuke's friends in this episode for the original airing, and it's a nice touch as well as it links back to the previous story arcs as well as Megumi's relationship with her neighbours. I'm not sure I remember the Kenshin draw-up in this episode either, which has an interesting perspective from Katsuhiko regarding Kenshin's own expression. Katsuhiko's VA does quite a good job with the deep tone that fits his personality.

Now to see how the animators do next week compared to the original airing.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:06 pm Reply with quote
So, I am still slowly watching this, but I gotta be honest, I am now at episode 14 and would not go further than calling it a decent series. Maybe hearing about how beloved the original is made me expect too much or think that the new version would be something it is not. I find the history/events/weapons interesting and some of the characters are decent enough, the fights are exciting. All that makes for an amusing show, yet I am not seeing anything beyond that, let alone calling it a masterpiece.

Again, the issue is probably on me going in expecting to have my mind blown due to so many people being wildly enthusiastic about the original.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:54 pm Reply with quote
The Tokyo arc is an appetizer. You get a good enough taste of things, that it'll stop your tummy from eating itself, but you're not quite satiated with sustenance, yet. It's like getting that complimentary bread and butter (Kenshin-gumi), but then you decided to munch on some fried calamari with your friends (Jin-e and the Oniwabanshuu), though you only got a piece or two, because it's a big group of people at the table.

Kyoto is the entree. You start to smell cooked meat emanating from the kitchen, but can't quite place what it is (Saitou). Then you realize it's definitely a cut of steak, but is it just plain 'ol Ribeye (Aoshi), Filet Mignon (Soujirou), Marbled Wagyuu (Shishio), or have you been tricked into visiting a high-end steakhouse and are getting a little bit of all three, because one of your friends secretly won the lottery and is treating everyone to celebrate? Your mouth starts to water because you've been snacking on those measly appetizers, where only the calamari sorta', kinda', maybe hit the spot for a few minutes, but now you want more.

Get to around Episode 20, then you'll start to smell the meat. By S1's end, you'll have partaken in a side of Honey Pepper Bacon (Oukubo) to get you primed. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait till S2 to finally witness, smell, and devour that 3-meat main course.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:14 pm Reply with quote
Well, I will give it a bit longer then I suppose, it is not like it has been bad until now, it will just take me a fair bit longer given that many other shows have a higher priority for me (this season is also just too busy).
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:22 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I barely even have time to screen cap stuff. People keep wanting me to hang out with them for work lunches or weekly sports nights, I've got 40-something shows this season, am not quite caught up on the Summer stuff, also got a PS5 last month (having never ever owned or played anything on the 4), and am trying to play some of my backlogged games for Switch, as well as some of the new ones I bought for PS5/4.
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