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Subbed or Dubbed?

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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2023 7:25 am Reply with quote
Agreed. Both the anime and series discussion forums have been pretty moribund for a number of years, so it does this old-timer's ticker good to see some life being breathed back into the joints.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2023 8:45 pm Reply with quote

I've worn glasses since 6th grade and have had multi vision lenses for presbyopia for about thirty years now. So I understand the struggle. However, I do prefer subtitles and even if I'm watching a show dubbed I tend to turn the subtitles on if available. I also turn on the closed captions in an English language movie especially if the actors have an accent or mumble a lot. I guess I'm just used to it.

This is the only sub vs. dub thread that I have ever seen "discussed in a civilized manner". It used to be a real flash point. I guess the true believers aren't watching this forum. Personally even though I prefer subs, I like to see that shows are dubbed since it shows that the company producing the dub thinks it is worth the extra cost. A bigger audience means that it is more likely they will produce the quirky weird stuff I like.
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2023 12:42 am Reply with quote
Back in the old days, and when these forums were much more active, the sub vs. dub debate would pop up so much, we had to lock threads because they got so uncivilized. Most people would just state their preference. But other times, discussions turned into flame wars when other people got a little too worked up about it.

Honestly, though, dubs have gotten so much better since then. I think that's a big contributing factor to the overall scope of things.

Last edited by Tony K. on Sun May 28, 2023 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2023 12:42 pm Reply with quote
And they're much more common in the post-fansubbing world.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 7:19 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Back in the old days, and when these forums were much more active, the sub vs. dub debate would pop up so much, we had to lock threads because they got so uncivilized. Most people would just state their preference. But other times, discussions turned into flame wars when other people got a little too worked up about it.

Honestly, though, dubs have gotten so much better since then. I think that's a big contributing factor to the overall scope of things.

Honestly, while dubs have gotten better in general, they also seem to have lost a lot of personality in favor of being more faithful to the original.

For example, in the Pretty Sammy OVA, the rival magical girl Pixy Misa spoke gratuitous English in the Japanese version. "HELLO, MAI FURENDO!" That wouldn't really show in a dub, so they swapped it to her speaking French. "Bonjour, mon ami!" Basically, a modern dub would've found a way to keep it English, which I feel robs it of the feeling that the Japanese would get while watching it (that being that a character is suddenly speaking a foreign language).

It's strange. In my opinion, while dubs have gotten better in terms of acting consistency and script adaptation remaining faithful, there's also less of a reason to watch them over a sub if you're on the fence. In the 90s-mid 2010s, there were dubs that were so different that you'd get a fundamentally different experience watching them and people often argued it was for the better (Samurai Champloo, Black Lagoon, Baccano, Excel Saga, a whole slew of ADV dubs for comedy anime, Sgt Frog, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bobobo, Prison School, etc.).
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, translation vs. localization was a much more common thing, as well. I agree that made dubs more distinct in those years. But I also feel that kind of preparation and work took more time. These days, audiences want their dubs faster, and the dub crews probably have stricter deadlines to keep up with, so the process becomes a quantity-over-quality thing.

At least movies dubs sound pretty darn good.
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He started it

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 7:04 pm Reply with quote
I have no interest in a rewritten show. A few liberties here and there with something that's comedic is fine, as long as it makes sense for the show and not something entirely different. I don't want a 1 to 1 translation but I'd prefer accuracy over what someone else thinks is better or funnier than what is already there
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 7:22 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Yeah, translation vs. localization was a much more common thing, as well. I agree that made dubs more distinct in those years. But I also feel that kind of preparation and work took more time. These days, audiences want their dubs faster, and the dub crews probably have stricter deadlines to keep up with, so the process becomes a quantity-over-quality thing.

At least movies dubs sound pretty darn good.

Honestly, while TV anime dubs have kinda lost their unique magic for me, it seems anime films are getting all the awesome treatment. Sing A Bit of Harmony and Belle got dubbed songs in this day and age.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 11:29 pm Reply with quote
I started out watching dubbed anime on [adult swim], and since then, I'll pretty much always default to watching the dub if one exists. The main exception is for series that have a chopped-up edited mess of a dub, or if the dub is pretty universally reviled (and even then I've found I have a lot more tolerance than most people). It's not that I can't handle subtitles: I've happily watched many series and movies that are only available in Japanese, and even if a dub's available, I'll usually try to watch a second season in Japanese if that's how I saw the first season. For me, it's more about immersion. When watching subtitled content, there's always going to be a fundamental disconnect between listening to the actor's performance and reading the meaning of what they're saying. That's stayed true for me no matter how many subbed series I've watched. With a dub, the hearing and comprehension are one and the same, so I feel more engaged by what's going on. In particular, since Japanese and English have very different rules on word order, I can think of many occasions when I've read a subtitle line that has some big dramatic moment or reveal at the start, only to have to wait for a few beats until the Japanese actor gets to the emotive part. it always yanks me right out of the moment.

InfiniteJest wrote:
What is the feeling about English voices what have a Japanese accent?

About the only recent example I can think of is the character Chise from Princess Principal. She's a Japanese girl in not-England, and the dub has her speak in perfect English but with a Japanese accent. It works well for me personally, but everyone's mileage may vary.
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