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REVIEW: Digimon Adventure tri. Episodes 1-4 Streaming

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:38 pm Reply with quote
Ah yes, Digimon. This was very nostalgic and while I didn't find the art appealing at first, it grew to me about 10 or so into the movie. I just love how the characters are still likable even after all these years.

I think the first movie establishes some of the foundation of Digimon again and sets up some potential plot for the upcoming sequel. And also, I wonder if we will get an official appearance from Adventures S2. Very fun movie though.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:45 pm Reply with quote
unfortunately it definitely have the negatives i remember. average animation,and continuing with a storyline that was already completed way back in season 2. besides, only fans of the franchise will watch in anyways. everyone else will still regard this as a very very bad pokemon clone.

also from the looks of the synopsis, it seems that this series will also be getting the americanized treatment just like Xros Wars, so like with pokemon and YGO, people will be only watching the sub version and stearing clear away from the dub version.
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Dr. Wily

Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:08 pm Reply with quote
But Hope, your review failed to answer an important question. Digimon, digital monsters: Are digimon still the champions?

jr240483 wrote:

also from the looks of the synopsis, it seems that this series will also be getting the americanized treatment just like Xros Wars, so like with pokemon and YGO, people will be only watching the sub version and stearing clear away from the dub version.

I highly doubt that. The article was being written from the perspective of someone who got into the franchise through the dub (like a lot of people that will probably end up reading this review, I suspect, Digimon had a lot of viewers back in the day) talking about from the view of a nostalgic former fan. And anyone who watched Digimon back then is in their 20s now and knows full well about changes to broadcast anime (even if their level of giving a crap varies).

I do agree about people sticking to subs though!... if only because it getting dubbed is a long shot. Saturday Morning Cartoons are dead in the US, and since it sounds like Tri is aimed solely as nostalgia-bait with poorly paced start/end times, that makes it a tougher sell for networks to license. (I'd still buy/watch the hell out of it)
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:32 pm Reply with quote
I loved every second of Tri reunion except for the scenes with Taichi's hesitation. Glad to see Hope was as baffled as I was about this. On the one hand it's nice to see that Taichi's growing up and actually thinking about consequences, but I spend most of episodes 2 and 3 thinking "Have Taichi and Yamato's personalities flopped? They literally had this exact same argument at the end of Adventure, except with the sides flipped." And that stupid cell phone. Why do you care so much about that stupid broken phone?!

...But anyway, otherwise amazing.

(like the potential retconning of minor aspects from Adventure 02),

I'm guessing this is referring to the "everyone has a Digimon" thing, but if you consider the supplementary material that takes place after season 2 (i.e. Diablomon Strikes Back & the various Drama CDs) we already knew that people didn't suddenly all get Digimon right after the Zero Two ending. I always figured it happened gradually over the span of the next 20 years or so. Just thought I'd mention this, since I saw a lot of confusion about it and don't expect that everyone is aware there has already been material that takes place after Zero Two. So far I haven't seen any real inconsistencies other than the fact that, you know, the main cast so far seems to be completely ignoring the Zero Two kids' existence.

And I can't help myself, as a longtime Koushirou/Mimi shipper I am so beyond happy to see some actual teasing of it.

As for THAT ship... After Tri, can all of us, presumably adults now, stop fighting, make a compromise, and accept Taichi/Sora/Yamato as a OT3 ship?? Taichi likes Sora, Yamato seems to like Sora, Sora can't decide, and Taichi and Yamato have tons of sexual chemistry with each other by themselves... even Sora seems to like the idea by throwing them on a Ferris wheel together. This is obviously the solution to make everyone happy. Laughing
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Joined: 24 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:56 pm Reply with quote
Yup, I liked it well enough. It's obviously all setup for a bigger conflict that'll hopefully get into full motion by the 2nd movie, but it was a good enough reunion with the old gang, plus some pretty fun fights (I was pretty excited when Agumon digievolved along with the old theme song).

I found Taichi's hesitation towards fighting to be an interesting growth of his character, but the movie did exagerate it a little by reminding us every 5 minutes about the damn broken phone. Still, as long as it reaches a decent resolution, I'll be satisfied.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with Tri. I was a big digimon fan when I was a kid (playing all the PS1 games I could find and all), so yeah... keep 'em coming!
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Joined: 25 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, the Taichi thing was the biggest issue. The first 4 episodes also could have been more conclusive, but it is the first of 6 movies.

I'm hoping that we'll get to see the ultimate forms of the other digidestined soon, or perhaps they'll even acquire new mega forms. Omegamon can't do all of the work.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Are people still into Taichi x Sora shipping? Because new movie have hinted that Meiko is Taichi love interest Wink

The new evolution scene is so refreshing but the CG is bad, at least Digimon Savers evolution scene way better than tri.

Huckmon cameo in tri make my prediction true, spoiler[Jesmon]will appear in next movie, even I already expected spoiler[all Mega/Ultimate level Digimon other than Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon will be debut in this movie based on Digivice 15th anniversary's Digimon roster]

Seems like the 2nd movie is all aboutspoiler[ Jou & Vikemon,Mimi & Rosemon]
spoiler[Imperialdramon Dragon Mode] will be in next movie too.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:40 pm Reply with quote
I was very happy to see that this wasn't just some soulless cash grab that had no impact on me whatsoever and has a grin plastered on almost the whole way through. Ok sure it still is a cash grab to me so far but at least it's a fun one.

I have a few similar concerns to Tai's delima issues, though less of the fact that it seems out of character at all... sort of, and more that the fact it makes him do NOTHING at times is really weird. Tai's not Shinji and the fact that there IS an obvious threat should have been enough to get his butt in gear at all but still. I feel the initial transition was alright considering how in the beginning we see the small ways he's going through growing pains but yeah, that part of his arc bugs me.

As for any instance of fan service, which is all over the place, I'm just happy this wasn't the kind of fan service that makes me groan in pain, like showing excessive skin through really dumb contrivances. Even when it came to give the fujoshi a bone with Matt and Tai's Argument, it didn't feel that over reaching because contextually why they were arguing at all made sense (even if the argument itself is a dumb one) and over all I was pretty cool with it. After thinking it over I wonder if that 'sad'part is that those scenes are even happening to kid characters at all where that wasn't present, to which, that is kind of sad, but as a cash grab project like this I kinda saw it coming.

I personally thought the visuals were hit and miss, the monster fights looked cool and the actual setting shots and characters look nice as well, but the janky movement of the animation and some of the rougher features of the characters designs in show don't seem to work well with Uki Atsuya's art style, or at least not to me since I've seen Cencoroll and Tsuritama. Also those evolution sequences look terrible, I get why CG was used and all but mad those models look like they belong on a 3DS game, Augmon's especially he looked like some weird bootleg toy some dude on the bus stop would try to sell me in 2001!

That aside I agree with Hope in that the character interactions matched with the clear fact that I've grown made is what made this so fun to watch. Nothing really felt out of Tone or Out of place and like I said before I was just smiling the whole way through.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:14 pm Reply with quote
I do hope Taichi gets over his fear by the next episode. I kind of accepted it for this episode because it seemed to make sense but I wouldn't want to see this happen throughout all six episodes. The animation was awesome though!
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Joined: 06 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:37 pm Reply with quote
I am agree with the grades the riviewer gave to this seires. Basically about the nostalgic, and the hype I saw this one. And I didn't regret that. Was enjoyable and yes, a bit nostalgic because watching the digimons... And THAT OP song.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:48 pm Reply with quote
Good review, covered all the points pretty well. I agree Taichi's characterization works mostly well, but like Hope said still falls flat in places.

Wonder if the main big bad will be another "Yggdrasil is the main antagonist" type of story like Savers and X-Evolution (and other manga stories) had, based on the talk of the Demiurge at the beginning.

Like others have said I hope the other DigiDestineds Digimon will reach their Mega/Ultimate forms like shown in the 15th anniversary PSP game (based on the poster for the next four episodes/movie, it looks like they will http://images.withthewill.net/tri2cover_LQ.jpg). Also based on Huckmon's appearance's throughout the episode, looks like another Royal Knight, Jesmon, will eventually appear down the line.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Ah, I will forever loathe that TOEI did most of my childhood series, it happened with Saint Seiya, with Dragon Ball, and now Digimon.

Of course, Tri has a lot of nice points, I was truly moved when Brave Heart started playing (too bad American Dub removed it and most of hte audience lost it) as well as Butterfly, Greymon vs Kuwagamon and Omnimon (or Omegamon) vs Alphamon were awesome, and the use of many of the original tracks was really enjoyable, plus the chemistry between characters is kept and improved, and the new character Meiko and Meicoomon are cool enough, but that's about it.

Apparently, the only ones they cared to draw well were the Digimons instead of the humans, I mean, they have a symplistic style so they're easier to animate, well, animate them. I think the best done scene was when Tai was talking with Agumon in the sunset, but aside of that, it is very, VERY noticeable that there was no purpose in making the apparently emotional scenes actually emotional (for God's sake Taichi was crying for the same phone like four times! Kill a dog at least and maybe I will believe you!).

Even the Digimons had problems, in the fight against Alphamon, they use the same animation seen in the opening, when Angemon and Gatomon (or Tailmon) hit Alphamon in the hands, and as it moves them, it's painfully obvious that the other two seem to be magnetized and paralyzed, they do not move along! And I honestly hated that evolutions took like 10 minutes, as a kid and in a TV series I'd accept it since it's like henshin for Power Rangers or Sailor Moon, but come on this is a movie, don't extend Tsubasa ni Shite for nothing.

And if nostalgia factor is supposed to work, do the goddamn Warp Evolution! Sure it was cool to see Weregarurumon and Metalgreymon since it's been ages that they were used in a fight, but they were thrown there just because and it was honestly just three seconds each evolution, Wargreymon being the most "meh". Plus, it's inconsistent, since to attain Mega form, they ALWAYS were in Rookie stage (Agumon and Gabumon).

All in all, it's a bittersweet feeling, hyped about some of the storyline and some scenes but disappointed in many other aspects.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Honestly, Taichi needed Yamato to much him in the face. His "inner turmoil" was very poorly written and just an excuse to drag things out. Joe, on the other hand, should have been punched in the face by EVERYONE.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:32 pm Reply with quote
The first 2 episodes left me lukewarm - while I do hold a lot of nostalgia to the characters, just seeing them go about their daily lives isn't enough to grab me, and the extended Digivolution sequences that were surely meant to have me pumping my fist in excitement mostly left me bored after the 5th one in as many minutes. The fights were well-staged and decently animated (especially for this franchise) but I never watched Adventure for the fights.

Thankfully 3 and 4 gave me more time with the kids as a group, which was what I wanted more than anything out of Tri. And unlike many I didn't have a problem with Tai's new reluctance for fighting. To me it makes sense - Tai was an impulsive kid who slowly grew into a more thoughtful and more sensitive leader, and I think it's really interesting that those changes kept up in the interim to the point where he's worrying about the danger their big monster brawls pose to the people around them.

I'm also interested in seeing the way the Digidestined have sort of drifted apart. Kari and TK seem perfectly fine, and TK's kind of grown into his brother's keeper (oh, the irony!), but everyone else is sort of building their own lives. It reminds me of Tamora Pierce's The Will of the Empress in the way it takes characters and relationships we saw develop as children shift and change as they grow up. It'll be interesting to see how the kids have to adjust or reaffirm their friendship now that they're very different people from Adventure. Also if we could see everyone else's partners get Mega evolutions that'd be great.

hint hint toei
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Joined: 22 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:52 pm Reply with quote
I have mixed feelings on Tri, by bringing the concept of "collateral damage in the real world" it makes me think of Tamers which sort of did the concept as its main focus, as for the "more mature version of our familiar heroes" it is fine but at the same time strangely gets distracted by the action.

Right now the show is trying to build up several fronts and the product so far has been "passable", which in this modern era of entertainment demand can be taken as a weakness.

I am at least intrigued with our new glasses girl character who might be able to shake up the core group with her own digimon partner, yet at the same time I am not completely bought in with this group of "familiar faces", hopefully it works out to be more intriguing but Tri has its work to do.
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