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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 3
Episode 65

by Richard Eisenbeis,

How would you rate episode 65 of
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (TV 4) ?
Community score: 4.3

In this episode, we split our time between the other battles going on in the city—and none of them are going particularly well. Al drops a building on and tries to drown Capella, but this doesn't even slow her down. Julius and Ricardo can't even manage to land a single attack on Roy while Otto and his newfound (read: expendable) allies have no better luck with Lye.

The Capella fight is largely pointless—in that it ends in a stalemate of sorts. Capella achieves whatever nebulous goal her gospel gave her and so feels no need to continue fighting. The only real interesting bit of information we get out of the fight is that “Anastasia” may not be the Anastasia we know. As Anastasia is unable to use magic, the fact that she did means one of three things: 1) she's an impostor, 2) she's been lying about having no magic, or 3) she's figured out another way to use magic—like through a magical item or spirit. The fact that Al immediately settles on the first option says a lot more about him than any kind of objective truth.

Meanwhile, the other two fights are about fleshing out what exactly Roy and Lye's glutton powers are—along with their rules and potential weaknesses. We've long known that they “eat” names and memories—with the former erasing your personal impact from the world and the latter leaving you amnesic—but now we see that they retain what they take. Basically, they can fight with the skill and experience of any of the people they've eaten—even going so far as to use their magical abilities. It also means they have access to all the knowledge of the people they've eaten.

Luckily, there are rules to balance this out. It seems that the pair don't “share a stomach,” so to speak. So they can only use the skills of those they ate personally. They also need to at least touch a person and lick that spot to eat names or memories—and they need to know the name of a person to steal that. Of course, they can get that name through the memories of other people or simply by torturing said person to get them to say their name.

So, now with the rules figured out, it's up to our heroes to figure out how to defeat the gluttonous pair—or maybe they'll just die. This is Re:Zero after all.


Random Thoughts:

• Judging by his offhand comments, Al seems to have a power that allows him to cheat death—maybe by coming back to life?

• I'm not sure why the bombs didn't work. Maybe Lye has some sort of barrier magic cast?

• Why have two gluttons when you can have three?

• I'm unsure how much help Beatrice is going to be if all her magic comes from Subaru and his ruined gate.

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC. One or more of the companies mentioned in this article are part of the Kadokawa Group of Companies.

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